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Timber Bridge Repair, Bridge Restoration or Replacement

Timber Bridge Builders - Bridge Builders USA, Inc.Bridge Builders USA, Inc can repair a timber bridge due to storm damage, wood rot, a shift in the landscape, or improper construction. Our goal in timber bridge repair follows our environmentally conscious company philosophy. Whether it be a covered bridge, pile supported, or clear span bridge, our ecologically sensitive green construction methods have been our mission from the very first bridge we built to our more than one thousand installations that exist today.

Bridge Repair by Bridge Builders USA, Inc.Timber bridge repairs may consist of many elements, so a site visit is preferred to access the bridge damage. Storm repair may consist of tear out and replacement of the existing supporting piles, decking, bridge railings, and hardware as necessary.

Bridge Builders spearheaded design solutions for the timber bridge industry by developing “top-down” construction – an accelerated construction method whereby we can build timber bridges in wetlands and other environmentally sensitive areas with minimal impact to the environment. We incorporate our top down construction methods into bridge repair as well.

Our team of timber bridge repair professionals responsible for design, engineering, management, and construction ensure the successful on-time, cost-effective completion of project and assure that your newly repaired timber bridge serves you for many years to come.

For additional questions concerning your timber bridge repair, please call us directly at (800) 874-9403 so that we can best assist you.

What Our Clients are Saying:

Testimonial - Bridge Builders USA, Inc.

Since 1991, you have completed three projects for us, the latest of which, was repairing a bridge you previously built in 2004 – a bridge damaged during a 200 – year rainstorm. However, even though the repair was, for you, a small, troublesome and complicated project, you still regarded us as though this was your first opportunity to work for a new and sought after client. The quality of your work is exacting and consistent no matter what size or complexity the project, and is exceeded only by the caliber of the people in your organization. It is that kind of unfailing attention and careful regard for a client that sets an organization apart from their competition, and it is those very same reasons that keep us returning to you.

Kevin H. Forbes
P.E., Director of Engineering
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, L.L.C.

Boardwalk Repair, Restoration or Replacement Here